壹間學校網站 yiyiclass.com(以下簡稱「壹間學校」,「我們」,「我們的」),我們非常重視您的隱私權,此隱私權政策描述了我們如何蒐集您的個人資料,以及這些資料將如何被處理及利用,還有您可以如何管理及控制我們藉由壹間學校所蒐集到您的相關資料。我們建議您在使用我們的網站、服務及與我們進行交易前,仔細閱讀此隱私權政策及我們的使用者條款。透過持續使用壹間學校,即表明您已接受此隱私權政策中描述的行為,並同意我們蒐集、處理及利用您的個人資料。關於募資開課者與壹間學校之權利義務,另以雙方契約規範。
電腦與行動應用裝置之資料,含軟硬體規格、裝置辨識資料、IP 位址、Cookie 與裝置地理位置。
壹間學校遵守 Facebook 與 Google 網站的隱私權政策及廣告宣傳規範,經您提供、授權所蒐集的個人資料,將僅用於協助壹間學校提供服務給您。壹間學校在您使用 Facebook 或 Google 登錄時,僅蒐集並使用您的 E-mail 帳號與性別資訊,以提供客制化的內容及服務。
當您於壹間學校購買任何課程時,所填寫之個人財務資料,包括信用卡資訊等,其蒐集、處理及利用將透過我們的金流協力廠商 (包括但不限於藍新科技、LINE Pay 等),壹間學校將不會蒐集及處理對應之個人財務資料。
我們會在您的電腦上設定並存取 cookies,它們是一種小型的資訊檔,經由您的瀏覽器儲存於您的終端機記憶體或行動裝置中。cookie 的種類主要分為 session cookie、persistent cookie前者並未設置一定的保存期限,當您關閉瀏覽器時,session cookie 將自動刪除,後者則設置了一定的保存期限(例如一個月),除非期限屆滿或者您手動刪除,persistent cookie 將會一直保存在您的電腦或行動裝置中。
根據 cookie 的功能差異,有以下幾種類型:
必要型 cookie: 此類 cookie 是維持壹間學校網站運作所必須的,如果刪除將導致網站無法正常運行。
安全性 cookie: 此類 cookie 是用來驗證使用者、防止登入憑證遭到冒用等。
功能型 cookie: 此類 cookie 會記住您的瀏覽偏好,例如您的瀏覽紀錄、語言和地區、行動裝置的類型等等,以提供最符合您需求的瀏覽體驗。
分析型 cookie: 此類 cookie 讓壹間學校收集您使用本網站的方式,例如您最常瀏覽哪些頁面,用以分析網站是否有需要改進的地方,以提供您更優質的體驗。
廣告型 cookie: 此類 cookie 用於精準行銷目的,例如依據您過去曾點閱過的內容,提供您可能感興趣的課程資訊。
被蒐集的資料將由該第三方處理及利用並可能保存於該第三方和其他第三方的伺服器上。該 第三方服務將透過 Cookie 及其他技術蒐集的訊息包含:您瀏覽網站的設備之 IP 位置(僅以匿名格式處理及利用)、設備類型及瀏覽器、設備所在國家、網頁瀏覽使用的語言等,並會使用其他第三方服務,如 Google Analytics 及 Optimizely等,來蒐集您的瀏覽資訊。如需了解 Google Analytics 及 Optimizely 如何蒐集和利用您的個人資料,請參閱其隱私權政策。如需更詳細的資訊,請參閱該第三方服務的隱私權政策
除本政策另有規定者、遵循法規之揭露或為了避免您或其他使用者受到任何威脅外,未經您的同意及授權,我們不會向小河大山及其關係企業以外之第三人提供您的個人資料。於壹間學校 與第三方合作時,第三方之隱私權條款亦將適用。
壹間學校所蒐集之個人資料將於壹間學校營運地點處理。網站部分功能可以讓您公開分享內容,當您使用這些功能時,您同意且明白您所張貼的內容將會被公眾所閱覽。當您開始觀看線上課程並繳交指定作業時,您同意這些內容將被公開,任何不特定第三人皆可閱覽。 隱私權政策更新
您可以隨時登入您位於壹間學校之帳號修改或更正個人資料,或以 Email 通知我們欲查詢或閱覽、要求製作複製本、請求補充、更正或停止蒐集、處理或利用及刪除您的帳戶及個人資料。惟於法律允許範圍內,我們仍得保留您部分個人資料,您提出前述請求時,您明白該請求將可能會導致壹間學校無法提供部分或全部功能。
YIYICLASS Privacy Policy
At yiyiclass.com (“YIYICLASS,” “We,” or “Our”), we are committed to the protection of your privacy and personal information. This Privacy Policy is to describe what information we will collect, how we process and share it, and how you can manage and control the information we collect through YIYICLASS that is owned and controlled by us. We encourage you to read this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Service carefully before using Hahow and services. By continuously using YIYICLASS, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy and trust us with your personal information. Policies regarding rights and obligations of Instructors will be based on the separate Instructor Agreement.
What Information We collect
When you visit or use YIYICLASS, we may collect below personal information from you:
(1)personally identifiable information (e.g.: name, address, Email address, cellphone no., Facebook or Google account information);
(2) personal description (e.g. date of birth, gender, place of birth);
(3)financial identification (e.g. no. of your bank account and name);
(4)financial transaction (e.g. transaction amount, payment methods, transaction record);
(5)safety details (e.g. password);
(6)device information (e.g. unique device identifiers, IP address, Cookies, browser type and geolocation information);
(7)miscellaneous (e.g. questions, memos, other miscellaneous files, reports, messenger, comments.)
YIYICLASS abides by the privacy policies and advertising policies of Facebook and Google. The personal information collected from you is only used for services provided by YIYICLASS.
When you make a purchase on YIYICLASS, your billing data is provided directly to our payment processing partners, including but not limited to NeWeb and LINE Pay. We do not collect or store cardholder information.
If you participate in sweepstakes or promotions through services on YIYICLASS, the personal data you provide, such as contact information, will only be used to administer the promotion.
YIYICLASS uses Cookies on our website. Cookies are small text files that are stored in the memory of your terminal via your browser or mobile device. They store certain information which your browser may (depending on the lifespan of the cookie) retransmit to us upon your next visit to our website.
There are different functions of the cookies:
Strictly Necessary cookies: Those are cookies enable you to move around YIYICLASS and use our features. Without these cookies, we are unable to provide certain features.
Security cookies: Those are cookies we used to authenticate users, prevent fraudulent use of login credentials.
Function cookies: Those are cookies allow our website to remember your preference, your language, the type of your mobile device and other information to provide the best user experience.
Analytics cookies: Those are cookies we used to understand how you engage with our website, how we can improve our website to provide better service.
Advertising cookies: Those are cookies we used to provide accurate marketing, for example, based on your previous interactions with YIYICLASS and provide you most relevant classes information for your reference.
2) How We Use the Information
Riverland uses your personal information to provide and maintain YIYICLASS and our services together with the technical support and security of our service.
YIYICLASS will also use your personal information when you enrolled in our online courses, for administrative purpose, including but not limited to submitting the assignments, tracking attendance and interacting with the Instructors.
Riverland uses a third-party browser and mobile analytics service, which helps us analyze the user experience on YIYICLASS. The data includes clicks, taps, keyboard and scrolling behavior. This information is only used for optimizing our user experience and performance. No sensitive information is collected.
The collected data is transmitted and stored in third-party servers. A third-party uses cookies and other technologies to collect data on our users’ behavior and their devices in particular device’s IP address(captured and stored only in anonymized form), device screen size, device type (unique device identifiers), browser information, geographic location (country), preferred language used to display our website. A third-party uses third-party services like Google Analytics and Optimizely, which may collect your browsing information. To learn how Google Analytics and Optimizely use the data, please refer to the privacy policies on their websites. For further information, please visit the third-party company’s Privacy By Design. You can opt out from the third-party company’s tracking procedure to use your data for analytics or enrichment, by visiting third-party company Opt-Out Cookie.
Confidentiality and Security of Personal Information
Riverland and affiliated company will not disclose your personal information to any third party, except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, or unless such disclosure is necessary as permitted by applicable law or to save you or others from potential threat. Where YIYICLASS cooperates with a third-party service, the third party’s privacy policy will apply.
If YIYICLASS is involved in a merger, acquisition or asset sale, your personal information may be transferred. We will provide notice before your personal information is transferred and becomes subject to a different privacy policy.
YIYICLASS will use industry standard security measures to keep your personal information confidential. However, no methods of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure.
Shared Content
The information collected by YIYICLASS will be stored in the host and country where we operate. Parts of user activity and services will allow you to share content publicly. By participating in these activities, you agree that such content be publicly viewable by others. Users who enroll in courses and submit assignments agree to share these contents publicly.
Privacy Policy Update
YIYICLASS may update this Privacy Policy from time to time . Unless otherwise stated, all revised terms will automatically take effect from the posting date, please check back periodically.
Your Personal Information Rights
You can access your personal information at any time and make possible correction. If you would like to exercise any of your rights (including but not limited to delete any personal information, provide you a copy of the personal information we obtained from you or restrict our usage to the extent practicable), please contact us at service@yiyipics.com.tw. However, if such requests are impracticable or are against applicable regulations, we will have to suspend or discontinue our services.
We will keep your information as long as we are still in business, or until you send us a request to delete your account.
Third Party Links
YIYICLASS may contain third-party links. If you click on any third-party links, the collection, use, and sharing of your data will be subject to the privacy policies and other agreements of that third party, therefore, you should review the privacy policies on the third party’s website accordingly. We are not responsible for the privacy practice of third-party’s websites.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, please email us at service@yiyipics.com.tw