本使用者條款(以下稱「本條款」)適用於所有位於及連結於 YIYICLASS 網域之網站(以下稱「壹間學校」「我們」「我們的」),壹間學校及其提供之文字、圖形、圖案、照片、影音、課程服務等相關內容皆為壹壹影業股份有限公司(以下稱「壹壹影業」)之財產。
使用者未滿七歲,不得於壹間學校「建立帳號」(如涉及購買課程等事項,請參考購課合約之約定),須由其法定代理人建立帳號。如使用者已滿七歲未滿二十歲,則其申請註冊成為會員前,需得其法定代理人同意,始得註冊及使用 壹間學校所提供的會員服務。使用者未滿二十歲,須保證其已獲得法定代理人同意可使用壹間學校提供的服務。當該使用者申請註冊成為會員,並繼續使用 壹間學校提供的服務時,則表示其法定代理人已經閱讀且知悉並同意本條款。
無論使用者是訪客或會員,都可以瀏覽壹間學校上的內容,但只有註冊成為會員之使用者始得購買線上課程並享受壹間學校提供的各項服務。訪客可以很容易在壹間學校上建立帳號及密碼,只要輸入 Email 並自行設定具相當安全性之密碼,或使用其個人已註冊之 Google 或 Facebook 帳號登入即可。
壹壹影業並非所有上傳至壹間學校內容之所有者。然而當會員發表、上傳、提交內容至 YIYICLASS 的留言或對話板,該會員即同意授與壹壹影業全球的、不可撤銷的、非獨家的、免費的授權可以重製、使用、發表、翻譯、公開展示、公開傳輸、公開傳播、改作前述內容至所有現在或未來的媒體平台。該會員同意壹壹影業之前述使用皆無須支付任何費用。
使用者同意壹壹影業有權可基於其判斷或任何原因,隨時以各樣理由終止或暫停會員使用壹間學校 之服務,包括但不限於該會員顯少使用服務、違反本條款等。而對已購課會員課程相關服務事項的終止,則另依購課合約之約定。
使用者擔保如壹壹影業及其管理階層、董事、員工、代理人及承包商(以下合稱關係人)因 a) 該使用者所發布或遞交之內容 b) 該使用者使用 壹間學校 c) 該使用者違反本條款及 d) 使用者侵犯第三人之任何權利,而產生之各樣主張、要求,從而導致壹壹影業及其關係人受有損失、須負擔責任、損害賠償或支出(包括但不限於合理的律師費用),使用者同意賠償壹壹影業及其關係人之所有損失。
使用者同意於使用壹間學校時將不會:a) 修改、重製、對於任何功能、程式進行還原工程 (reverse engineering)、反向組譯(disassemble)或任何企圖取得原始碼或內容之行為;b) 於上架之課程內容,包含任何商業或置入性行銷之內容,壹間學校有權自行認定並將違反規定之內容無條件下架或移除。
壹間學校不保證以下事項:a) 本服務將符合使用者的特定要求;b) 於壹間學校購買或取得之任何產品、服務、資訊或其它課程將符合使用者的期望。
本條款及使用者與壹間學校之關係,均以中華民國法律為準據法。使用者與 壹間學校 就本服務、本條款或其它有關事項發生的爭議,應以台灣台北地方法院為第一審管轄法院。倘本條款之部分規定因與中華民國法律抵觸而無效者,本條款其它規定仍應具有完整的效力及效果。本條款之標題僅供方便而設,不具任何法律或契約效果。
倘發現任何違反本條款之情事,請以 Email 寄至 service@yiyiclass.com通知壹間學校。
如果對本服務條款或我們的信息處理方法有任何疑問,請通過電子郵件的方式聯繫: service@yiyiclass.com。
YIYICLASS Terms of Service
These Terms of Service (the “Terms of Service”) apply to the website located at YIYICLASS.com, and all associated sites linked to www YIYICLASS.com. YIYICLASS and with all contents is the property of Riverland Co.,Ltd., its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively Riverland).
User Agreement
These Terms of Service apply to all visitors and members (“users”) entering YIYICLASS, regardless of the physical location of the individual accessing user. By using the service provided by YIYICLASS, you are expressly accepting these Terms of Service. If you disagree with these terms and conditions or any part of these terms and conditions, you must not use YIYICLASS. Please also read Our Privacy Policy before you use any portion of YIYICLASS. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact customer service immediately. The rights and obligations of the instructors are stated in the separate Instructor Agreement.
User who is under the age of seven, is prohibited to create an account on YIYICLASS. If the user has reached the age of seven and is under the age of twenty, the consent of a parent or guardian is required before creating an account and using the services provided by YIYICLASS. Users under the age of 20 must confirm to have obtained the consent of their parent or guardian. When the user completes the application and continues to use the services provided by YIYICLASS, it means that a parent or guardian has read, understood and agreed to the terms.
Terms Update
Riverland reserves the right to modify any of the terms at any time, to the extent permitted by law. Riverland will make an announcement of the update on YIYICLASS and any changes will take effect from the time of the announcement. By continuing to use the services provided by YIYICLASS, users agree to the modifications made to these Terms. Therefore, users are requested to review these Terms, announcement of the update on YIYICLASS, periodically to ensure awareness of all recent changes. If the user disagrees with YIYICLASS’s modifications to the Terms, please exit YIYICLASS and cease use of the services on YIYICLASS immediately. Meanwhile, users shall delete their profiles and terminate their accounts. Riverland also has the right to delete the user’s profiles and terminate the account when below violations occur.
Accounts and Passwords Safety
All visitors have access to browse the content published on YIYICLASS, but only a member who creates an account is eligible to take online courses and enjoy most of the services provided by YIYICLASS. Visitors can easily create an account on YIYICLASS by using an email address or an existing Google or Facebook account to log in. When setting up and maintaining the account, members must provide and continue to provide accurate and complete information regarding the personal information required to create the account. All personal information provided are used as login credentials. Any incomplete or untrue information provided upon registration is considered a violation of the Terms of Service, and YIYICLASS has the right to terminate service to the user.YIYICLASS is not responsible for any issue raised due to incomplete and untrue registration information and the associated consequences.
Users are prohibited from creating usernames that is not using their true personal information, including but not limited to mimic any third-party’s name, harm or infringe the rights of any other person. YIYICLASS holds the right to terminate service to the user in such event. Members are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of their account credentials. Please notify us immediately upon suspecting a security breach. YIYICLASS assumes no responsibility for the illegal use of accounts and passwords due to hacking or negligence of member.
Members are responsible for maintaining the security of account credentials and fully responsible for all the activities that occur under the account and any other actions taken in connection with the account.
Users shall only use the service of YIYICLASS as permitted by law. Interfere with YIYICLASS or try to access the service of YIYICLASS by using the method other than the interface and the instructions provided by YIYICLASS is strictly prohibited and YIYICLASS has the right to terminate the service to the Users.
Also, users must not use YIYICLASS related content and services to violate the law and infringe on the rights and interests of others. If there is any violation, the users shall bear the legal responsibility on his/her own. If Riverland suffers damage or is sued by others, the users shall pay for damages.
Privacy Policy
All registration personal information kept by Riverland is protected under the laws of Taiwan and our Privacy Policy.
Terms of Use
Access to the content of the course publication is only available on YIYICLASS by the single member who has purchased and enrolled in the course within the agreed time limit. Streaming or publicly displaying the contents is strictly prohibited. A violation of the above may result in termination of account service. Depending on the case, YIYICLASS has the right to file legal action and claim punitive damages of 1,500 times the original price of publication from the violator.
Any text, document, image, video, photos(including photos of users), audio, music, or artwork (“content”) uploaded or distributed via YIYICLASS’s Service, whether publicly or privately, are the responsibility of its provider. YIYICLASS assumes no responsibility for any unauthorized use of the uploaded content among members.
YIYICLASS cannot guarantee the legality, correctness, completeness or quality of the content delivered via our service. YIYICLASS shall not be held liable for the content uploaded by its members of which a third party may claim infringement, unpleasant, inappropriate or objectionable. However, YIYICLASS reserves the right to immediately cease the aforesaid distribution, delete any of the content and take appropriate actions, including but not limited to suspending the member from all or part of the our service, or take legal action depending on the case. Users must abide by the laws and regulations of Taiwan and agree not to use the service for any illegal or improper activities.
Users may not download, reproduce, redistribute, sell, broadcast, share, or use any content of the course and YIYICLASS. Users who violate the previous section, he/she should be responsible for the damages caused.
Order and Course Enrollment
YIYICLASS uses Neweb Technologies Co., Ltd to process payments. By using YIYICLASS’s service, members agree to the Terms and Conditions stated on Neweb website. YIYICLASS is not responsible for any disputes raised between Instructors, Students and other users.
YIYICLASS will not make guarantee for any individual or group, nor will it be liable for any of disputes, claims, losses, or damage of any kind that might arise out of or relate to the conduct of Instructors or Students.
YIYICLASS reserves the right to cancel the course and refund the full amount of all purchases at any time. YIYICLASS assumes no responsibility for the effectiveness and quality of the Neweb service. Any payment disputes with Neweb occurs, members should follow Neweb’s instruction to solve, YIYICLASS makes no guarantee that the payment is completed. The Instructor then is free to make a refund, for which YIYICLASS is not responsible. YIYICLASS reserves the right to cancel, modify and interfere with the publication at any time.
YIYICLASS will issue and deliver a payment receipt to Students as proof of full payment for the course upon the purchase of the course.
According to Taiwan Tax regulations, for Students who purchase the course from outside of Taiwan, no payment receipts shall be issued and delivered.
Third Party Links
YIYICLASS may contain links to third party websites that are external to YIYICLASS. YIYICLASS has no control over the links and resources of third-party websites, so the users shall learn about the terms, conditions and privacy statements of the third-party website before accessing to whatsoever for any loss or damage caused by the content, products or other materials accessed through third-party websites and resources.YIYICLASS does not endorse or make any representation, guarantee or assurance regarding any third-party website or resources.
Any user who suffers damage while using a third-party website will not be involved with YIYICLASS or Riverland.
Intellectual Property Rights
YIYICLASS retains all right, title, and interest in and to any and all of its intellectual property rights on YIYICLASS and the content (“Website Content”), including all copyrights, patents, trade secrets, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.
All materials and components of the Website Content, including documents, course video, images, reports, course introductions, Instructor introductions and FAQs that are made available as part of the Website Content are the copyrighted work of YIYICLASS. Your use of these all materials and components of the Website Content is governed by these terms.
The design or layout of YIYICLASS are protected by copyright, trade dress, trademark, unfair competition, and other laws and may not be copied or imitated in whole or in part. No logo, graphic, sound, or image from YIYICLASS may be copied or retransmitted unless expressly permitted by Riverland.
Content and Other Legal Rights
Riverland does not claim ownership of any content members uploaded or submitted to YIYICLASS. However, by posting, uploading or submitting the content, members are granting Riverland a worldwide, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to copy, use, reproduce, adapt, publish, translate, transmit, publicly display, edit, reformat and distribute the aforesaid content in any existing or future media. No compensation will be paid with respect to the use of members’ submission, as provided herein.
Termination of Service
The user agrees that Riverland has the right to terminate or suspend permission to use YIYICLASS platform and services at any time for any reason, including but not limited to lack of use, violation of Terms of Service. Upon any such termination Riverland may delete the user’s account and content, and prevent users from further access to service of YIYICLASS, with or without notice.
The user shall indemnify and hold harmless Riverland and each of its officers, directors, employees, agents or contractors from and against any claims, demands, losses, liability, damages, or expenses(including reasonable attorney fees) arising from(a)the content the user posts or submits,(b)the use of the services(c)the user’s violation of these Terms, or(d)the user’s violation of any rights of a third party.
Modification to the service
YIYICLASS has the right to suspend or terminate our service (or any part of it) within the scope permitted by law, with or without notice. Users are advised to back up the materials uploaded on YIYICLASS. YIYICLASS is not responsible for any loss of content and related damages.
Advertisements and Promotions
The user agrees that any business dealings, interactions, or participation in sponsored giveaways or promotions with advertisers through YIYICLASS’s service, including payment and delivery of related goods or services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties, or representations associated with such dealings, are solely between the user and such advertiser. The user agrees that YIYICLASS shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage incurred as the result of such interactions or dealings with advertisers.
Prohibited Behavior
The user shall not conduct any of the following while accessing or using YIYICLASS and services:(a), modify create a derivative work of, reverse engineer, reverse assemble, or otherwise attempt to discover any source code of or content on the YIYICLASS or services.(b)Include commercial product placement in any published content on the YIYICLASS. YIYICLASS has the right to identify and remove the content in violation of the regulations.
Disclaimers of Warranty
YIYICLASS does not warrant that (a)the service will meet your specific requirements,(b) the service will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free,(c) the results that may be obtained from the use of the service and, YIYICLASS will be accurate or reliable,(c)the quality of any products, services, information, or other material purchased or obtained by you through the service will meet your expectations, and(v)any errors in the service will be corrected. The user agrees that the use of YIYICLASS and the courses, is at the user’s sole risk. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from us or through the service and YIYICLASS, shall create any warranty not expressly stated in these Terms.
Limitation of Liability
The user agrees that there are risks inherent into using our services. To the extent permitted by law, YIYICLASS is not liable for any indirect, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages(including loss of data, revenue, profits, or business opportunities, or other forms of loss), whether arising in contract, warranty, tort, product liability, or otherwise(even if we’ve been advised of the possibility of damages in advance), resulting from:(a)the use or the inability to use the service and YIYICLASS;(b)the cost of procurement of substitute goods and services resulting from any goods, data, information or services purchased or obtained or messages received or transactions entered into through or from the service;(c)unauthorized access to or alteration of your transmissions or data;(d)statements or conduct of any third party on the service;(e)or any other matter relating to the service and, YIYICLASS, except as expressly provided in these Terms of Service.
General Clause
This User Agreement clause is based on Chinese as the original version. If the English version is different from the original Chinese version, the original Chinese version shall prevail.
Where a dispute cannot be resolved amicably, the user and YIYICLASS agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Taiwan courts. The failure of YIYICLASS to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms of Service shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If the provisions of these Terms of Service are invalid due to conflicts with the laws of Taiwan, the other provisions of these Terms of Service shall have full effect. The titles of these Terms of Service are for convenience only and do not have any legal or contractual effect.
If you find any violation of these Terms of Service, please notify YIYICLASS at service@yiyiclass.com.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about our Terms of Service, please contact us at service@yiyiclass.com.